Reports of a ‘ban’ on export of wheat by India সংবাদ বিজ্ঞপ্তি

ভারত কর্তৃক গম রপ্তানিতে 'নিষেধাজ্ঞা'র খবরসমূহ

High Commission of India

Press Release

1.  Recently media has carried reports of a ‘ban’ on export of wheat by India. These measures have been taken to safeguard domestic food availability, mitigate food-price linked inflation and support the genuine needs of India’s neighbours and other countries with food security concerns.

2.  Regardless, it is clarified that while restrictions have been placed on commercial exports of wheat from India, the instructions do not have any impact upon shipments of wheat already contracted for export. These instructions will not prevent export of wheat to India’s neighbours and other countries that might wish to procure this produce to supplement their domestic food security policies, at the request of their Governments.

May 15, 2022
